Miriam's Meditations

What is your Divine Self?

Miriam Season 5 Episode 9

A relaxing and soft practice of breath awareness leads to awareness of the Divine Self. A sweet and simple breath activity starts and permeates this episode. We simply breathe, with recognition of our physical being, starting with softening and relaxing. Notice the hands, the back of the neck, the crown of the head. We move to softening the emotional body with our breath, noticing any emotions that arise with ease and acceptance. Moving to the mental body, seeing thoughts as clouds floating away in the blue sky. Simply being, breathing. Now we notice our energy body as a lighted sphere. Breathing here we soon move up an octave to a higher realm of light and spiritual energy. We being to notice we are in connection with our Divine Self. The Divine Self is not the soul. The soul connects the human consciousness with the Divine Self. We enter into a union and resonance with the Divine Self. It sends us love, support and guidance. A flow of brilliant light comes down from above filled with sacred geometric shapes that flow around us, harmonizing and nourishing us.


Big breath in. Big breath out, welcoming to the breath, being in the new light, offering our own stability and practice. Let's just start with breath today. And so on. Breathe in a full and complete breath rising to the top and then open your mouth and exhale with the sigh really draw your abdomen and and let out all the air that can be released in this moment. Now breathe in again pause for a moment at the top, open your mouth and sigh once more breathing in more gently this time but smooth and full and richly rising to the top with a small pause and then exhale gently let your shoulders drop away from your ears. Lengthen the back of your neck and let the crown of your head reach toward the sky. Go your arms heavy in your lap. Your hands soft I like my hands touching connecting all of my fingers either to each other on the other hand or connecting to my palm the soft fleshy portions of the hand. The hands Herman enormous number of nerve endings that correspond to real estate in our brains. So when the hands are quiet or when they are doing something like playing with clay or playing music your brain finds its own way to a peaceful quietude. Some people like their hands to be separated, just resting my to open cups or palms down on the thighs so find a comfortable natural feeling resting position for your hands have another full rich nourishing breaths and one more notice if both sides of your nose are equally open just let your breath be very gentle and notice your nostrils at this moment mine are very balanced, equally open, cool dry air flowing in and warm moist air flowing out the nostrils are innervated two different sides of your brain. The right connecting to the left brain the left connected to the right brain the right nostril is much more active. So if only your right nostril is more open in this moment you may feel a little more energized. Your left nostril is more quiet. This is if only one nostril is dominant. A more suitable and advantageous arrangement for meditation. The side of the nostril nose, one nostril or the other being more open. changes throughout the day. So I encourage you as you are practicing throughout your day finding a few moments to sit quietly or just driving your car at a red light standing online. The grocery store. Notice which side of your nostril is dominant and how you feel. If you are very agitated you may close off your right nostril and breathe only through the left side and notice how it calms you down. If you're sleepy, groggy and need to be energized, close off your left nostril and breathe through the right side. Only a few rounds of breath is all it takes to make a shift and that side does not have to remain dominant for you to have an effect. Let yourself watch your breathing now. Relaxing fully from any technique. Simply with your hands soft, your eyes feeling heavy. Perhaps even letting your chin move towards your chest just a little so the back of the neck remains long and your shoulder soft. Now relax your tongue. unglue it from the top of your mouth and let it be softly resting and the bottom of the mouth perhaps your jaw muscles will also soften and your teeth will move apart from each other Imagine your jaw muscles becoming very soft. Maybe waggle your chin around your jaw around, open and close. Stretch open and close up relaxes jaw muscles. The jaw muscles are extremely powerful. And if they are clenched much of the time your entire skull and all of those very delicate connections of the bones of the skull will be interfered with. As you breathe in all of those tiny sutures which hold together the bony plates of your skull, there is cerebrospinal fluid between all of those spaces. As you breathe in the cerebrospinal fluid circulates. cf If you can imagine all of those sutures those places where the bones meet in the head, a type of joint but not a movable joint, except that there can be a small expansion with the breath. Imagine that now, as you breathe. Your cerebrospinal fluid circulates throughout the meninges of the brain and the spinal cord. And perhaps those tiny sutures would which do not have spinal cord fluid but simply our cartilage can relax a little along with the softening of your jaw the lengthening of the back of your neck the heaviness of the islands and even the eyebrows now I was your breath How are your emotions sometimes when we become quiet in the breath, we can feel rather emotional. As though we are stopping long enough to feel things that we had put aside. Allowing that circulation of energy in the emotional body perhaps a few breaths in and out of the heart. Drawing the breath in on a spiral deep into the heart center. Mm hmm And out again maybe sighing maybe breathing quietly breathing in and out of the heart center noticing how that feels with your emotional circulation of energy a tenderness the sweetness deep gratitude at having a human life in this very dynamic and exciting time let that heart centered breath be very fluid as though there is an elixir a special liquid that might flow in upon the breath and moisten the heart the heart itself richness any emotions that may be arising in this moment are perfectly fine we are taking a few moments with our breaths to simply allow whatever is to be we are being being with our breath being with our emotional body and allowing gratitude for all our experiences as human beings spiritualized energy and sold energy contained within the human being in all its complexity and various layers again, a releasing breath relaxing shoulders, drawing the belly and and letting all of the air be exhaled pausing for a moment in the emptiness at the bottom of the breath. The winter is the place that where you have the faith that there will be a fresh new breath arising which can come at any moment that you are ready relaxing releasing feeling steadiness bringing our awareness now to the mind pretend for a moment that your scalp is smoothing and softening and flowing down towards your ears. So, we are back up with our head the scalp being soft the spaces of the skull being soft so that as we breathe in, there can be minut expansions. So, you are responsive to the breath in this very subtle fashion. And with your senses you are beginning to be able to sense these things about your body and how your breath ends in your body. quiet mind allowing any thoughts that come into your present awareness to flow along just observe them floating by like clouds in a blue sky. There they go. Floating by oh here come some more. There they go. floating by. We are unattached. Simply allowing whatever it is to be our hands are soft our breath is soft now notice your third eye and without doing our regular spirals with our fingertips, see, if you can notice an energetic spiral as the third eyes simply with your imagination. This spiral reaches deep into your head and you can with your breath, draw your attention and your breath, your focus and the prana that writes with the breath into the third eye. You are using your subtle sensors. And recognizing this in any way you can, whether it is a visual stimulus of a spiral or simply a felt sense or simply feeling the breath moving into the body and imagining your imagination is a very powerful sense. beyond simply making things up with the imagination, we can use the imagination to allow us to sense new things. So even as we feel we may be pretending, no that this imagination guides you to things that are real and can be sensed and realized with your consciousness simply by placing your awareness there drawing the air in at the third eye and the air goes out see now find the breath is now still everything has become see if you can make your breaths one fluid motion in and one fluid motion out without any pauses. Simply breathing in and breathing out in a smooth and somewhat circular fashion. Now releasing while awareness of the breath come into an awareness of your body of light and beautiful sphere of spiritual energy all around you. Your physical body and your various organs create fields of energy that you can learn to sense. This collected energy of all of these various electromagnetic energies creates this field of light all around you which can be sensed with the subtle senses. It stretches many feet from your mind and it is a gateway that allows you to step beyond to your ordinary senses your ordinary emotional body, the higher mind and beyond since this beautiful light and make it more beautiful in any way that comes to your imagination. You may add to colors. Sounds harmony rainbows luminosity simply spend a few moments making your field of light all around you more beautiful and perhaps even somewhat larger see if you can hold the entire sphere in your mind's eye all at once. With each breath in this very quiet manner, you are drawing, spiritual energy prana or chi and who you are a body of light. So, even as you're simply breathing quietly this spiritual energy is entering into your being. Yes, harmonizing it making it more resonant bringing all of the frequencies of your being whether they are from your body, your emotions, your mind or your spiritual energy into a harmonious oneness. The patterns begin to interplay with each other in higher and higher ways. Until you lift easily to the next octave of light, allow yourself to lift bringing your body of light expanding just what you can about this higher octave of light pranas we are lifting we are becoming more aware of our divine self with whom we have been interacting throughout these past meditation practices that we have been doing together are breathing as the Divine Self. What is the Divine Self your Divine Self is your fast being. Your Source energy that from which you come encompassing many realms and lifetimes aspects. Your personality and even your soul which acts as an intermediary between your personality level and your divinity or Divine Self are about one portion of your greater being and through our awareness of our breath and our expansion of our ideas about who we are, we are releasing into knowingness of our divine self that portion of Source consciousness which is who we truly are. Notice any fresh patterns that are coming into your awareness via a color or sound a felt sense perhaps oscillations or movements about your core your Divine Self is always reaching for you bringing fresh energy spiritual nourishment harmonizing soothing By simply recognizing this is your true nature and expanding reaching for your Divine Self as it reaches for you you'll become one with Divine Self and become aware of all the many gifts that are awaiting your recognition and acceptance guidance awarenesses assistance with your purpose and actions assistance in helping you find your place in the divine pattern where you feel alive at home invigorated vitality flowing to you through you you become the conduit for this divine energy into personality level recognize your Divine Self its sweetness its love for you open your heart and hands for the gift that your Divine Self brings to you allow yourself to receive this gift if you wish. In this moment in the silent, quiet receptivity you are breathing as your Divine Self you are using the sacred breath as a conduit as a shining thread that stitches you together and eliminates the boundary between the ordinary self that interfaces with the world outside and that divinity which is you your greater being you be commonly are defined self there is no separation. There is a familiar boundary when it is useful. But once you recognize that this is your true nature and you will have expanded into this beingness you recognize the oneness you become as you have always been oneness See a shining light above your head and feel pouring down a brilliant light from even higher realms of consciousness. This light is filled with sparkling stars, and tetrahedrons. And orbs, sacred geometric shapes, you pour down abundant into you into your sphere of light, all the way down into your physical being. And notice how all of these realms are simply just various layers of who you truly are. And these beautiful circulating geometric shapes, the stars, the tetrahedrons and the orbs, as they move about the wave beautiful patterns of light that there can never truly be a separation. And now that you have recognized, your greater vast being and all its various dimensions, you will no longer be so separate. You want to belong or wonder where he's your guidance, because it will be right inside of you. And you will have no doubt as to the validity of this guidance. Because it will ring the bell of truth so clearly in your heart of hearts, that you will wonder no more you will simply have a grateful heart to have a practice of breath to have companionship along the path and to be able to reach these exalted levels of consciousness simply by following your breath. Share your light in this moment with any person or situation you might like to offer this created light this imbued light, this rich light place to get in the proximity of this person or situation or challenge as an offering of love of creative abundance harmony this way in developing engender this spiritual light we make more light for the world. And we must place it somewhere as it flows through us something think of something or someone and simply imbue them with your light and offer feeling good. Going all the way back now to your breathing body. Feeling your hands, your size your palms upon your heart. Breathe in full and complete. And noticing how it's different now than when you began. So much more peace, harmony, beauty, balance. This is breathing as our divine selves. Practice whenever you can, wherever you go. And notice, take notice of how things are shifting around you as you practice out in the wild in the open. With a smile in your heart I bring my heads together at my heart in recognition of the light within you, which is beautiful and brilliant and the light within me and in that place we are one namaste Mahalo for listening, follow rate and review Miriam's meditations on Apple podcast, Spotify, Google podcast or wherever you're getting your podcast. We share a new meditation each week. The breath work presented here is cumulative. So if you're new to breath work, please start at the beginning and season one, and you'll learn the fundamentals. You can find more information about my work and my blog at Miriam's. meditations.com That's mir. I am s meditation stop.com I welcome your comments. Write to me at contact at Miriam's. meditations.com Aloha, and have a beautiful day.