Miriam's Meditations

Updating YOU

January 08, 2024 Miriam Season 6 Episode 1
Updating YOU
Miriam's Meditations
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Miriam's Meditations
Updating YOU
Jan 08, 2024 Season 6 Episode 1

Welcome to the new season of Miriam’s Meditations. Thank you for continuing to breathe and meditate with us and congratulations on creating time and space for your inner explorations. This week we begin again, as fresh beginners, refreshing our skills and techniques with the breath. We do a few breaths we haven’t done in a while, creating space as the old is swept away with the breath. That which is no longer serving us is easily cleansed, leaving behind openness, light, harmony and beauty. We align all our bodies, physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies with our focus and our breathing practice. This leaves us refreshed, alert, alive with light.

'The Blessed One' music by Sanaya Roman (orindaben.com)
Podcast production by iRonick Media (ironickmedia.com)

Breath exercises are not intended to diagnose or treat illness. Anyone undertaking to practice breath awareness and exercises should be mindful of their health and consult their health care practitioner if they have any questions about their fitness for this practice. 

Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to the new season of Miriam’s Meditations. Thank you for continuing to breathe and meditate with us and congratulations on creating time and space for your inner explorations. This week we begin again, as fresh beginners, refreshing our skills and techniques with the breath. We do a few breaths we haven’t done in a while, creating space as the old is swept away with the breath. That which is no longer serving us is easily cleansed, leaving behind openness, light, harmony and beauty. We align all our bodies, physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies with our focus and our breathing practice. This leaves us refreshed, alert, alive with light.

'The Blessed One' music by Sanaya Roman (orindaben.com)
Podcast production by iRonick Media (ironickmedia.com)

Breath exercises are not intended to diagnose or treat illness. Anyone undertaking to practice breath awareness and exercises should be mindful of their health and consult their health care practitioner if they have any questions about their fitness for this practice. 


Blessings and welcome to Miriam's meditations. Thank you so much for joining and being here present in this new dawn of this new year, and all of the attendant blessings that come with new beginnings. This is beginning of season six of Miriam's meditations. And I looked back at my host platform to see when exactly did I start doing this podcast, and it was in October of 2020. So just a little over three years, it was a labor of love during the pandemic. And now we're past all of them to a much more exciting time, where we're free to move about the planet a little more freely. I'm really excited to still be doing the podcast and still be breathing and meditating with all of you. And the group is growing. And I'm very grateful for all of you who share and listen and breathe along. I'd like to start this new season and this new session was a bit of a review of some of our breaths, and we're going to revisit a few breaths we haven't done in a little while. One of those breaths I'd like to review here right at the beginning, and that is the breath of fire. I always need a tissue before doing this breath because it is forceful breathing in and out of the nose only. And if your nose is like mine, especially in the winter, it runs a little bit. So if you wanted to pause for a moment and get yourself tissue or hanky or something and clear your nose, take a moment to do that, again, just as we begin the Breath of Fire. So I'm just going to review it here real quickly with you. So if you'd like to just follow along this breath is actually done with the eyes open. This is a strongly clearing breath, and your body needs to be pretty much erect in order to do this breath. Now there's a couple of different ways you can do the hand position, you can put your hands right over left on your lower abdomen. So if your abdominal muscles are not super strong, you may need a little help pushing your abdomen in with your hands. That's not cheating. That's totally acceptable. And it helps you get a few more rounds of the breath in if your muscles start to tire. You can also move your hands up so they're just underneath your ribcage, make a fist with your left hand, cover it with your right hand and put that fist just right up under your ribs. So you can feel that your diaphragm right there. You can use that also as like a little bit of a push to push the abdomen in so the breath can come out. Let's just do it together really slowly. So exhale all the air in your lungs. And now breathe in and out just a full and complete breath. Relax, and now on your next time you want to breathe, just use your abdominal muscles to push all the breath out all at once. Just through your nose. So your mouth is not opening and closing. You're just using your abdominal muscles strongly to breathe out through your nose and the breath comes in all by itself. You don't have to really think about inhalation, you're just using your abdominals to press out, out, out, out. So you see the breath just sort of arises naturally because there's a vacant space there. So now just rest for a moment, breathe your normal breath. We'll do a few rounds of that breath maybe to count 10 or 12. And then we'll do a couple of cleansing breaths. That breath is also called skull shining breath, which is kind of an exciting idea that the breath is polishing the inside of your skull. It's called Breath of Fire, Kabbalah bati breath. It's also called bellows breathing. So if you can imagine a bellows like what we you can use to get a fire started or to keep a fire going and press the bellows and it blows the air out. And you can feel your abdomen making that bellows motion. All right, so that's just a quick review of that breath. So let's close our eyes now. And come into an awareness of your breathing and how your breath is in this moment. And all it wants to just let the external world drop away just in one motion, it just goes away. And all of your consciousness units all of your awareness and focus is on your internal world. And you're following your breath in and out of the body. So during this, we are breathing in and out of the nose only the mouth This gently closed and in this taking stock noticing what is there in the breath in this moment how is the breathing. For me my breath has been a little tight today and I'm not sure why that is. So I've been doing a little stretching around the breath. Maybe we could do that together. So breathe in are full and complete breath rising to the top. And when you get to the top, just pause with the fullness of the breath and kind of stretch around the breath. squeeze your shoulder blades together, spread your shoulder blades apart. And then breathe out whenever you're ready. And let's do that. Again. Just breathing in a full and complete breath rising to the top. And again, stretch around the breath. Maybe interlace your fingers and stretch your palms toward the sky make big space in your armpits. Stretch from one side to the other. Exhaling when you're ready, don't strain that your arms come all the way back down and exhaling. Now on this next inhalation, elongate the back of your neck just a little bit by letting your chin drop a little bit towards your chest. And release that your chin staying in that slightly lowered position. And now breathe in again imagining that there's an opening of light the back of the head and neck. And light can enter. And breasts can enter in this opening at the back of the head neck. And just breathing in and breathing out. And one more physical motion. As you're breathing, just roll your head around opening all of the neck vertebrae and then roll your head back the other way when you're ready. That really helped me open my breaths. And the tightness I was feeling earlier is receding and we are welcoming more breath. So our practice today is going to be to opening cleanse and clear, letting go of all that can be released in this moment. And anything that you would like to release. Perhaps let that flow into your consciousness in this moment. Perhaps you would like a pattern of eating that is not in serving you to shift some thought patterns that you would like to see elevated, letting go of repetitive thoughts or lower order thinking that is not aligned with the truth of who you truly are. In your beautiful magnificent glorious, divine you whatever that might be. Perhaps it is arising as a consciousness or not. Maybe it'll occur to you a little later. Don't force it just know that this practice is going to allow you to access that which is ready to be released and let it flow out on our dynamic breathing All right, take the first two fingers of the right hand and touch your third eye is very first breath is a cleansing and clearing, polishing of this lens of perception that is the third eye. So as you are making your spirals on your forehead with your fingertips, imagine the breath is drawing in and out of the third eye and cleansing it and whatever is ready to be released is going out on the breath. So now we will make our spirals to the count of 36 Begin 12345678 910 1112 1314 1516 1718 1920 2122 2320 420-526-2720 820-930-3130 230-334-3536 Pause, inhale your third, drawing that spiral deep into the mind into your head. And then breathing out as a third eye allowing it to clear and release. Using your mind's eye your imagination to notice the cleansing and clearing that is automatically taking place with the sacred breathing. Now right hand remains stationary, left hand comes up and place it upon your heart. Breathe in your third eye. Exhale into your heart. Breathe in again, your third eye, collecting the minds energy there with the breath. And then as you breathe down to your heart, releasing the breath, you're surrendering the mind to the hearts wisdom. Once more breathing in with the third eye and exhaling down into the beauty of the heart, surrendering to the heart. Now breathe in as the heart. Allow the breath to rise. Lifting into the mind. Blending and exhaling that blended breath back down into the sweetness of a heart. Breathe into your heart. Allow the breath to lift. Blend and exhale, releasing, softening, allowing the heart breathing once more as the heart Let the breath Ryan's blending with the mind coming together as one and then exhaling back down into the sweetness of the heart. Heart and Mind are wetted and spiritual union. Left hand drops to your lab right hand remain stationary. alternate nostril breathing breathe in through both sides of the nose and exhale through both sides of the nose. Now close off your right nostril with your thumb and breathe in the left side only. Close off with your fingers lift up your son breathe out breathe in the same side close off with your thumb lift up your fingers breathe out breathe and sing close off out other insane out other insane other in saying that your hand dropped to your lap and breathe out. Just take a moment to inhale and exhale your natural breath. Notice the balance and harmony in the brain the mind now open your eyes and we can tap on your breathing space. Tapping on the upper chest with your fingertips Tapping tapping lower ramps All right, pause for a moment. Fingertips resting on your upper chest. Breathing, tapping, tapping. Patterns routine, padding, adding, exhale, letting go. Again, tapping as you breathe in tapping, you can tap all over the spaces that you can reach, padding as you retain the breath. Exhale, let it go. And now palms up, eyes open for two cleansing breaths. Breathe in. And as you exhale, three short puffs. Exhale completely breathe in and cleanse. Now hands on either side of your ribcage or ribs, stretching breath. This makes more space for the breath to come in. Thumbs can be back on your back ribs or alongside your fingers, whatever feels comfortable for your hands. Alright, exhale all the air in your lungs. And now breathe in. As you exhale, press with your hands as much as you can move in your ribcage with your hands very strongly. Breathe in again. And exhale, press. Really exhale, exhale. Exhale, palms up. Eyes open and cleanse breathe in. Cleanse inhale and cleanse all right here comes breath fires those shining breaths. Now whichever position you want your hands to be on right hand over last year your lower abdomen or making that feels tip of hand covering right up under your ribcage at your diaphragm. I like to try and do three rounds to 12 count with two cleansing breaths in between. Don't fatigue yourself if it gets to be too much just pause All right. To begin breathe in and breathe out and exhale Okay, Breath of Fire began pause now Tom's up for cleansing breath and cleanse again has it your abdomen right hand over left Breath of Fire begin Palma's palms up, cleansing breaths, breathe in. Again, breathe in. Cleanse one more round, right hand over left Breath of Fire begin cause palms up, cleanse, breathe in. Exhale, three puffs. Once more All right. Hands dropped down to your lap. Close your eyes. You may need to take a couple of long easy breaths if you feel a little lightheaded. That's just the action of the breath. The cleansing and the clearing and the increased prana moving around in all of yourselves. It's special vitality and love Mind All right, we've made some powerful clearing and cleansing, releasing all that could be released in this moment. So pranayama now to fill these spaces I like to do to retain breaths and one cleansing breath. Just follow along. exhale all the air in your lungs to prepare. Now breathe in, full and complete, rising to the top. And now pause the fullness of the breath and stretch and open around the breath. Now open your mouth wide and let it go breathe in again, full and complete, rising to the top. Now just pause. Feel the fullness, the richness, the nourishment of the breath. And then exhale. releasing, releasing. Eyes open palms up for one cleansing breath breathe in and cleanse eyes closed one minor yoga exercise. Inhale rising to the top. And as you inhale your arms arc into a prayer pose above your head palms pressed together. My Divine blueprint of being is fully present in my consciousness and in my life as I fully express this divine blueprint and exhale as your arm strapped down to your land. Notice the place to which the breath has carried you allow yourself to feel the fluidity, the spaciousness, the clear openness as a result of your breath practice just the quiet the clarity of your mind for the breath is a very clarifying effect on the mental body. Imagine your mental body for a moment that powerful field that your brain emits and that is your higher mind. It's located all around your hand to about your children's. And some picture it or sense it with a clear blue light like sapphires or the ocean on a clear, beautiful day breathing into the mental body you can do that through your third eye if you would like or just breathing into your entire mental body. And as you have been practicing, you may be noticing the quality of your thoughts is beginning to change. Fewer and fewer distressing or repetitive thoughts easier to let go of thoughts that you would like to release making space to be listening for the inspiration that comes from your Divine Self or your higher meaning your inner being. Beginning to notice more and more the pure uplifting thoughts of your Divine Self the encouragement, the wholeness on purpose noticing now your emotional body, which is all around you, maybe a foot or two of energy surrounding you, perhaps extra energy around your heart behind you as well as in front of you. Notice the softness of your emotional body and the flowing nature of your emotions now. And perhaps recognizing that the specific emotions are less important than the flowing nature of the emotional body, not becoming attached, or bounder are entangled in emotions, recognizing them as flowing fluid power into energy. Emotions are very important. They help us become passionate about things. What we would like to accomplish, who we are connected to our love, beauty, and harmony. Our love for those around us extending to our animal friends into nature herself, or emotional connection to sunrise laughter joy, peace. All of these higher order emotions these qualities these frequencies of energy are without measure, infinite and fast. There's plenty for you. And as these qualities flow through your purified emotional body, you become the conduit for this beautiful energy to flow. Notice also that your mind and your body, your emotional body are entangled less and less often. With fewer activations of the emotional body by thinking that is not of the highest order. More and more pure thoughts giving rise to beautiful emotions and flowing hopeful vision visions for your future. Enjoy your presence and peace with your healthy functioning mental and emotional bodies and your physical body has been benefiting also from the breathing practice and meditations. More and more prana is circulating throughout your being your bodies filled with light as you resonate more and more with his divine frequencies and the beautiful patterns finding your place in the divine pattern exercising with joy band and language we did as children playing in your life allowing more room for spontaneity and wonder and allowing all of that to be resident within your cells. Neeraj. Now all the millions and millions of cells of your physical body many of which are not even your cell phones, microbial beings that you carry along in a symbiotic friendly relationship there is new findings that we carry the cells of our mothers. And if we have born children, we carry the cells of our children, and perhaps even siblings, cells that were part of your mother's being, we are all truly each other. We are one body of humanity. intimately connected through our physical beings and all those beautiful illuminated cells enriched by your breathing practice as your ribs have opened as your diaphragm has softened and toned as your lungs have accepted more and more air in and releasing all easily all that is done with your body. We exhale more waste product through our breath than any other way our body processing nutrients. So now imagine your body your emotions, your mental capacities, all functioning in a profound harmony. aligned with that divine blueprint that is your etheric body, your energy body. Your breath circulates in this energy body as well and aligns you with this divine pattern. So now, all of these nested sheets, these all of these layers of your being in your body, are in a divine harmony, working at the highest level it creates not only a peacefulness throughout your being but a kind of joy. For the body has its own joy. And when all of you is working in concert as you have been designed to do there is synchronicity. And you come exquisitely into the present moment, your point of power, where everything always is taking place, only in the now only in the now. So allow yourself to come fully completely into this present moment. riding the waves of light and love and blessing, harmony, balance and accord and beauty all of these patterns and flows and order an organization have as their foundation think of everything as beauty as its foundation. Even if it is layered and layered with disharmony at the base of it all. Our world is a beautiful one. So as you have gained with your breaths, and your meditations and you're self exploration, you're aligning with your divine self, your self knowledge, all of these things and you have been practicing and allowing to come become who you truly are expressed in the now so now notice all of these flows as they move through you. There is not an entrapment of these flows, but you are the conduit of these flows, drawing down from the heavens from the higher and higher octaves of light into your being and through you out and out and out without limit for you having engaged with these higher frequencies of light, all of this light that you bring back from your meditative spaces, flows through you. And the more and more you trust through you, the more light you are illuminated and you are a beacon. You're a lighthouse you're an illuminated one, freely sharing for we understand the deepest level of knowing the true nature of abundance. That is the true nature of this world. Imagine now your life flowing through you. From these higher options out and out and out in all directions, touching everyone you love. touching those with whom you're having difficulty. All of the animals of the natural world around you all the patterns of humanity as we learn to engage with each other and higher and higher levels. out onto the grid work of light. You can always place your radiance on the grid work of light is that sacred patterning upon which all is founded. So we renew and in this short time together, we have updated our skills with our breathing practice. Recognizing the harmonious patterning of our divine blueprint, noticing how radiant we are and allowing that fluid radiance to flow out and out. All around us through to your day or your night if you're ready for sleep. Saturated brilliant. All right. Beautiful work. Beautiful resonance. Recognizing all who are listening, all who are gathering regularly to participate in this breath and meditation practice. And the group that meets and meditates and sets these energies and frequencies for all who will come after for you all in the timeless realms together. Bring yourself back now to your breathing body. And notice it is full of light, feeling vital and alive, refreshed and renewed. Ready to move on with whatever is coming next in your day. And I bring my hands together at my heart with sincere love and gratitude for each of you who are listening and breathing along. I feel your presence. I noticed you and witnessed you on the inner planes. I honor your brilliance and your light namaste Mahalo for listening, follow rate and review Miriam's meditations on Apple podcast, Spotify, Google podcast, or wherever you're getting your podcast. We share a new meditation each week. The breath work presented here is cumulative. So if you're new to breath work, please start at the beginning in season one, and you'll learn the fundamentals. You can find more information about my work and my blog at Miriam's. meditations.com That's M I R. I am s meditations.com I welcome your comments. Write to me at contact at Miriam's. meditations.com below Ha Have a beautiful day.