Miriam's Meditations
Miriam's Meditations
Be As You Are: A Reading with Maggie Kalas
Everything you’ve been searching for has been hidden in plain sight. You just didn’t know it. But guess what? The Light that is You has been seeking to be seen as and through you. Get ready cause it’s about to make itself known. In this week’s Soul Request reading by Maggie Kalas of Soul Light Coaching, you are encouraged to “Be As You Are.” And it’s not what you think you are but what your heart knows. Take a few moments to be still, listen, and allow the Light that is you to shine. In her coaching practice, www.soullightcoach.com, Maggie offers inspired guidance and support to those experiencing a Divine awakening.
'Sea of Light' music by Sanaya Roman (orindaben.com)
Podcast production by iRonick Media (ironickmedia.com)
Breath exercises are not intended to diagnose or treat illness. Anyone undertaking to practice breath awareness and exercises should be mindful of their health and consult their health care practitioner if they have any questions about their fitness for this practice.
Hi everyone, its Maggie Kalas of Soul Light Coaching. I'm so happy to be back on Miriam's meditations to share another nugget from the universe. Today soul request is be as you are. And the message is very clear. Everything we've been looking for everything we've been searching is always been in plain sight, we just didn't know it. And guess what the light that is you has been seeking to be seen as and through you. So we all need to get ready because it's about to make itself known. The card I picked today is emergence. That's our first card. And that is such a powerful card. The imagery is pretty much self showing the awakening that we have been experiencing, and the light is coming from the center of us. But everything else has been surrounding us. So it's you have to imagine the penetrating of this emergence coming through what has always been there just has not been seen has not been known, has not been claimed in its truth. And that's our divinity, it's coming through our true selves want to be known. And we're all part of it, we're all part of one. The message that they give is a luminescent being is expressing itself in you in a magnificent intelligent physical body. And that we are all a part of a collective matrix of souls of Bunnell of and beings of light. And we are manifesting a world within the frequency of every breath, every choice, every idea, every inspiration, every action we take, wherever we are, that's where we are. We do have our individual experiencing, but we are always having a collective experience. What has been unseen is that part of us, that is the connectivity of the whole, our higher expression. And this expression is enhancing our states of being. Now, without having to experience the resistance of this, the message is clearly given be as you are, it's not a doing. It's an allowing of what already is. The next card that I selected, is listening deeply. So through this emergence, we have to pay attention. But the presence and being is so important now, regardless of the chaos in the world, we must find ourselves in that center, following the higher call and listening to the directive. What is that directive? That's the inspiration. It's that intuitive. Whole in a moment. It's a call it's it's happens instantaneously. It's not something we're thinking about where Molly, although it may come into our thoughts into our feeling place. We may hear it in our dreams. What are we avoiding? That is something to listen for? What are we not paying attention to that is right there that we're not listening to going over our heads. We need to pay attention there. The listening deeply is very important because that listening is not only to each other, but as into ourselves from the heart and to trust what we are feeling a B as we are and to trust that it's okay to be that. And our next card was light. How perfect this is what is happening. We are the light. It's not out there. It's it's I mean, it's lovely to go into nature to go into the church to sit and meditate but it's wherever we are at the light is. It's not something we pull off a shelf or say what I'm going to do today is something that we always are. We have denied it. We have been bouncing around bumping into ourselves hurting each other, pushing away from each other. Considering ourselves separate why not? But while we are individual beings having an individual experience, we are collectively always part of that matrix. And this light is being asked. It's it's not, it's not just forcing, it's part of our divine will. It's saying, I am ready to come forth. And we say yes, and it comes forth, no resistance, be as you are, and allow your light to illuminate. And what we illuminate, we lift, what is the light, it's a frequency, it's a higher frequency, that our perceptional reality shifts, our state of being, the way we see the way we experience. And basically, it affects our choices. Once we see something, if there was a hole in the road, someone shine the light, you would not go into the hole. But in our dark spaces, we find ourselves in the dark, in a dark hole, not sure how to get out, we are the light. I've said this before flip the light on, it's there, it always has been. But we need to know it, we need to realize it in our everyday presence. The new energies that are here it is here, we're not alone, we are collectively at a higher consciousness have agreed to be bumped up in our state of being in this consciousness, the frequency that we actually hold ourselves in as we're on this planet, and the planet is also shifting into the higher frequencies. And this light must be shown on others, and everything. And we may see things we don't like in ourselves in others in the world. It's okay because what we're doing is that we must see it in its truth. Not just in the darkness, it was missing the light. And once we see it, we can heal it, we can lift it into its higher state. It's not a matter of fixing, as a matter of realizing its truth, and allowing it to be what it was always intended to be in light. In our next card is air. Mat, parasite, it's we've talked about it before and it comes up again, breathing into the presence. Our breath is the constant reminder of our eternal nature, what we are a part of, and when we breathe in to it, we connect with it, we clear the thinking mind we go into the true mind, we can listen more clearly. And then what we start to experiences is an expansion in our consciousness. Not just an idea, true knowing word of the air is that we must lighten up our load. The light is not just the light that shines but the light that releases us. And like having bags on a helium balloon you dump the sandbag off you lift we are carrying eons have have centuries of heavy baggage we don't even realize we're carrying that has become part of our DNA. But it's it's an overlay. It's not the truth of our DNA. And as we start to dump the heavy bags we live air is where the invisible frequencies are. When we're lifting into the air. It's a metaphor because actually the expansion is broadening our horizons. It's not just up there in this idea of a heaven. We are heaven on earth, when we are in a true state of be it was always there for us. So I ask that you get grounded and step out of confusion and into deeper understanding. So that you may live you can stay grounded now as you left. Because the Earth is participating in this awakening this transitional period in humanity and and everything because everything's connected. It's never this or that it's all and to be As you are in be here now. And the last card that I had pulled such a perfect message to pull this, because you are soul request together is actualization. There's no more delaying, it is happening, it is be calming, we're not hiding, and we don't have to search for it, we have to allow it. It's always been there. So don't think that you have to figure it out all the time. Sometimes we just need to stay in a centered place. Look out in the world, we see there's a war we see that there are crimes, we see the garbage, we see that the dysfunction of humanity, the light is shining on this so that we may have a new heart, and a new understanding to our choices, and how we are with each other. The actualization is the becoming, you know, people are always trying to manifest materials. It's not about that. It's about manifesting a new world from a new higher perspective, state of being. And we are co creating this, it's not something we're doing alone, we're never been alone, we've always been part of a unifying field. Everything you need is here it is right where you are. That's the message from the song. Be as you are because everything is right where you are. And as we allow ourselves to do this, it will reveal itself in this external world of manifestations. You know why? It has to show up, because everything is a vibrational frequency match. And as we start to be in the frequency of our true selves, everything in our physical world will have to begin to match it. And it is a domino effect. Because we are this matrix, we start flipping on the light, the lights keep flipping. I know it's been seen in science. And I know that these things have not always been shown to us, but it's there. And it's going to show itself more and more. But I'm talking to you today as an individual. And as an individual, that you may see yourself as a collective, not just yourself, that when you are the light for yourself and you see the light and others we are assisting each other together, to unify on this planet, as a species on this planet, and to co create and to cohabitate on this planet in a whole new way. Wake up, lay down, follow it. We have to pay attention. This is a whole new experience. This is not something that we can go back to the past and saying, let's do it this way, Mister with the way we used to do it. It's not it's in a whole new way. Because we haven't fully allowed ourselves to be on this planet. In our true state of being. It is a gift. We are receiving it as we allow. And as sometimes it comes we can take little bits because we can't believe that we are deserving of this skip. Because we have been brainwashed to think or not. The coaching that I do is basically everything that has been shown to me and I'm walking the same path. I just may be a couple of steps ahead of you. But the practice of being as you are no judgement. Really seeing everything through the heart. having compassion, you will notice a tremendous shift in your life in a normal lines room gym. And as I conclude, be as you
Miriam:Mahalo for listening, follow rate and review Miriam's meditations on Apple podcast, Spotify, Google podcast, or wherever you're getting your podcasts. We share a new meditation each week. The breath work presented here is cumulative. So if you're new to breath work, please start at the beginning in season one, and you'll learn the fundamentals. You can find more information about my work and my blog at Miriam's. meditations.com That's mir. I am s meditations.com I welcome your comments. Write to me at contact at Miriam's. meditations.com Aloha, and have a beautiful day