Miriam's Meditations

Healing Breath

April 22, 2024 Miriam Season 6 Episode 15

Our 150th episode! Thank you everyone for joining in this practice and for sharing this podcast.

Our breath is always with us. Using our focus and our relaxed attention, we learn to follow the breath into healing. Beginning with a focus on healing our bodies, we draw the breath in and out. We follow the breath to our emotional bodies and mental bodies, noticing any entanglements between these areas. Our breath is a tool we can use to bring awareness to ideas that bring feelings that are not harmonious. This is a form of entanglement, where the thoughts create feelings, which amplify the thoughts. If these entangled thoughts are chronic, they bring us down. Using our breath and awareness, we lift these energies and allow healing light to open the patterns. We may have inspirations about these thought patterns that bring us to heal deeply seated ideas that no longer serve us. This brings flow to emotional patterns that once had been stuck.

Once we've reset using the breath, we can expand our focus to share this transmission of light to another person, a situation or relationship that we would like to offer healing to.