Miriam's Meditations
Miriam's Meditations
Clearing Energy with your Divine Self
Connecting to our Divine Self and using this light to clear a stuck place.
'Angels of Beauty' music by Sanaya Roman (orindaben.com)
Podcast production by iRonick Media (ironickmedia.com)
Breath exercises are not intended to diagnose or treat illness. Anyone undertaking to practice breath awareness and exercises should be mindful of their health and consult their health care practitioner if they have any questions about their fitness for this practice.
Welcome to Miriam's meditations. In this moment of time in mid September, we are just past a beautiful full moon and the partial little eclipse, the clearing energy of that brings to mind a kind of clearing that we can all participate in. And so we are going to today, skip to the back of our book, personal power through awareness. We're just about to the end. We've done a lot of wonderful work through this lovely book, but we're going to talk about clearing energy with the Divine Self. Divine Self is a portion of our being that is high and powerful and overlights all of the other portions of our being. Close your eyes for a moment and just breathe in and out. Call yourself into the deepest part of your being, allowing the external world to fall away for these few moments that we are together in this quiet in this well lighted space within the light from our own Divine Self. There are levels and layers of consciousness that we all participate in, our ordinary consciousness, of our regular everyday lives, our inner being, our higher self, which is the same thing, our soul, which is a greater portion of our being, which contains all of our ordinary self, and perhaps all of our many ordinary selves, past lives, future lives, concurrent lives, perhaps, and Over lighting over, all of this is your Divine Self. Don't let it get too intellectual. Just let yourself float around in it and expand. And all of this time, we have been talking about personal power through awareness and doing our breathing practices, we have been connecting more and more fully, more and more clearly with this divine self. The Divine Self is infinitely powerful. There is no other greater power than Divine Self. The you are very expanded at this level, and perhaps not something that we have a lot of intellectual grasp of, but we can have a sense of feeling sense, perhaps even an emotional sense, or something far beyond all of that, a light, a beautiful, high frequency of light, a the greatest part of who we are, the greatest part of who we all are. And so in the moments to come, after we do our breath exercises, we will do a practice known as clearing energy with the Divine Self. So in this early time, we are simply allowing ourselves to expand our notions of who we are to this greater sense, this expanded beingness, this beautiful light, pure, clear. All right. Now from that, let's bring the first two fingers of the right hand up to touch the third eye, and we'll draw spirals upon the forehead going toward the left first to a count of 36 To open and cleanse the third eye. Begin, 1-234-567-8910, and 1112, 1314, 1516, 1718, 1920, 2120 220-324-2526, 2720 820-930-3130, 230-334-3536, pause, inhale your third eye and exhale at your third eye. Right hand remains stationary. Place your left hand upon your heart. Heart, mind uniting breaths, breathe in your third eye and exhale into your heart. Just let it occur naturally. Breathe in again at your third eye, the breath draws in and collects in your mind, and exhale that energy into your heart. Breathe in again as third eye cleansing and clearing and releasing that energy into the heart. Heart and Mind begin to blend now. Breathe in at your heart, allow the breath to rise and lift, illuminating the mind and exhale that blended energy back down into the sweetness of the heart. Breathe in at your heart. The breath rises, blends then exhale, back down into your heart. Once more, breathe in at your heart. Allow the breath to rise, illuminating the mind with the heart's wisdom and exhaling that blended energy back down into the heart. Heart and Mind are wedded in the spiritual union. Left hand drops to your lap. Right hand remains stationary. Alternate nostril breathing, breathe in through both sides of your nose, exhale through both sides of your nose. Now use your thumb to close off your right nostril. Breathe in the left side, open. Close off with your fingers. Lift up yourself, breathe out, breathe in same. Close off. Lift up your fingers, breathe out and breathe in, sing, close off, lift up your thumb. Breathe out. In, sing out other. Insane. Out others. Insane. Let your hand drop to your lap and breathe out both. Now just breathe in a full, complete breath and exhale and and now let's open our eyes and begin tapping when our breathing space, tapping, tapping, breathing tapping on your upper back, lower ribs, tapping, tapping all over your chest, all right. Now pause for a more fingertips on your upper chest, and now inhale, tapping, tapping, tapping, patting with the flat of your hands, patting as you retain the breath and exhale, let it go again, tapping as you inhale, tapping, tapping all over the breathing space, patting as you retain the breath, pat it. Exhale, let it go. Palms up, eyes open for a cleansing breath. Breathe in, exhale, three short puffs. Again. Breathe in. Three puffs. Exhale completely. Place your palms upon your lower ribs for a rib stretching breaths. Breathe in a full, complete breath rising to the top. And as you exhale, press with your hands, move your ribs. Breathe in again and exhale. Press palms up. Eyes open for a cleansing breath. Breathe in and cleanse again, breathe in, cleanse, close your eyes, let your hands rest in your lap. Let's do two retain breaths, exhale old air in your lungs to prepare now breathe in through your nose, rising to the top of full and complete breath and pause, Retain the breath, and stretch and open around this retained breath, and open Your mouth and let it go. Again, breathe in Retain the breath, stretch and open. Exhale, let it go. Eyes open, one cleansing breath. Breathe in, cleanse. Eyes closed. One minor Yogi exercise, inhale, arc your arms into a prayer pose above your head, from the center of my being to the outermost portion of my being, I call forth my perfect blueprint and exhale as your arms drop down to your mat and
Miriam:Now where are we? The power of the pranayama clears and cleanses and makes space. Whenever you have released something, you have created an openness into which light and goodness can flow. Notice how your breath has changed, if it has changed from the beginning of practice to now and and let yourself float into a clear lighted space. Imagine beautiful, clear light all around you, and you have expanded into this clear light. Let it extend at some distance away from your body, maybe three feet, maybe 10 feet, maybe larger. Let yourself imagine it growing larger, almost to the point where you can no longer hold the entirety at once. Now call to yourself your Divine Self illuminating this brilliant space all around you so that you are expanding to enter your Divine Self. The same moment that your Divine Self expands into you, reaching for you, always present, always available. Let yourself be peaceful with that expanded brilliantness of you and. Your Divine Self is here to assist you in any way. Now, for today, for this moment, let yourself bring to mind some kind of stuck energy that you would like to work on, clearing can be very small, or it can be something large, something perhaps that you've worked on before, and if it is something large that has a great scope in your life, perhaps ask for to be revealed to you a portion of this larger stuck energy that is ready to shift for you in This moment. And let yourself think about it. Imagine it. What are the thoughts you have about it? What are the things you have tried to shift ways that you have approached it, perhaps even with some success, but yet, here we are still with the stuck place, the stuck energy. This is simply a place where energy is not flowing. There is a lack of fluidity. For some reason, it could be the way that you are holding it in your mind, thoughts that you say to yourself over and over about it, ways that you have felt powerless to make it change, Just observe in as neutral way as you can why? What are your feelings about this? Ask your Divine Self to reveal to you something about this stuck energy that you did not know before, some new perspective, some secret you are keeping from yourself, some way that you have been unwilling to truly look at what is before you, Something that can be revealed in this moment for you. It might be something that's a little difficult to reckon with, but it might also be something simple that you just hadn't thought of before. Allow yourself to be open without preconceived notions. This is a challenging thing to do, because if it's stuck, then you've been trying to solve it for some time, you'll likely have a lot of opinions about it, or ways you wish it would work out. So allow there to be a little breathing space around this. Does it have a color? Does it have a shape? Does it sit there kind of like a lump or an energy place that has stagnant energy, something that is not flowing. And now back to your divine sound that expanded powerful Omnius. Omniscient part of you, the greater part of you. There is nothing that can stand before your Divine Self, that your Divine Self cannot address and bring light to there is no power that is greater than your divine self's ability to offer you some assistance, a creative idea, some comfort and. To allow your Divine Self to show you somewhere in this that can be followed, something that can move, even if it does not have a thought or an emotion attached to it, it might simply be energy at this stage, at this level at which you are looking at it, let the energy and light from your Divine Self surround all of this that you have concerned about, creating fluidity, movement, beauty, harmony. Perhaps some of you found that when you got to this level with what you thought was a stuck place, it disappeared entirely, and you couldn't even find it. You that is because it does not even exist at this level. That is not real. It is a collection of energy strands and threads that you may have woven into a tight little knot, but in the higher frequencies of love and harmony and well being, it is not even there. It your Divine Self, you, as your Divine Self, hold high, pure, true frequencies and in this well lighted place of your True Nature, there is fluidity, there is a shift. And there is a place where the places fall together like a puzzle piece that you had been looking for and it was in your pocket only then it slides right into the puzzle, and then it dissolves in the Light of higher being. So now take a moment to revisit, to notice anything that has shifted, anything that seems different, anything that has more light, more fluidity, perhaps even an aha moment or a new symbol with which you can hold this unfolding, this important thing that you have been puzzling over, and now there's a little bit of movement, even a very small movement is significant for you have allowed your divine selves assistance to create this positive flow to draw Through the frequencies of love and harmony and beauty clarity, so now just look all around you as Your Divine Self, at the clarity of the energy. You listen for the high, pure tone of truth, open to in gift that your Divine Self has for you in this moment, especially related to this thing you have been working on. You have worked so diligently and steadily with creating momentum to know truly you as your higher self, you as your Divine Self, to access these higher realms of truth
Unknown:and knowing
Miriam:this is now you you are this expanded beingness. You have true experiences in these interdimensional places to which you travel in your practice. You. And here, there's only night, and there is comfort and there's joy. Do you feel now a sense of flow all around you, letting go of all the work and all of the activity we have just been upon, and let yourself just lift fully and completely into the realm of the Divine Self, into the light of spaces, and the light comes from all directions, and it is white and in gold and filled with rainbow frequencies, crystalline, precious and let this beautiful light fill you from your Divine Self all the way through all the layers of your beingness, sending that light all the way to your personality level life, and let it expand out to all of the spaces that you care about, to your home and your body, to any land around you. Notice how easy it is to expand that beautiful light out and out and to now feel what this clarity feels like. This is your true nature, and as you learn to use Divine Self energy to clear and cleanse any places, any things, any projects, any relationships. You live more and more in these higher spaces, then you breathe easier, then you give easily. For there is true abundance at all times, and you become a beacon, a steady stable light. Now look out with your divine eyes. Notice all the other beautiful stable lights all around you, for there are so many here. You are never alone in these higher frequencies or even in your ordinary life. We are together, weaving this beautiful tapestry of light, breathe as your Divine Self, breathe in all The colors and patterns.
Unknown:There It is very different now.
Miriam:We now take a moment to breathe this beautiful light all the way to your breathing body, and infuse every part of your body with light, all of your organs, your muscles and bones, your skin, all your many parts, every cell, radiance, shining, infusing your entire body with this divine light out of the molecules and atoms, which of course, were born in the stars with deep gratitude for our bodies that carry our consciousnesses around and for these lives that we have been granted, moment by moment, like pearls in a string. Recognize how true. Powerful you are to create steady, clear patterns of light in your life. You change reality peace. We come back to these breathing bodies in the spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving for the Divine Self, for its love and blessing for all of us who have gathered here to walk these paths of light, hand in hand, side by side, for our breath, for All the sacred teachings, my bid you peace. Namaste. You Mahalo for listening, follow, rate and review Miriam's meditations on Apple podcast, Spotify, Google podcast, or wherever you're getting your podcasts, we share a new meditation each week. The breath work presented here is cumulative. So if you're new to breath work, please start at the beginning in season one, and you'll learn the fundamentals. You can find more information about my work and my blog@miriamsmeditations.com that's m, I, R, I A, M, S meditations.com. I welcome your comments. Write to me at contact@miriamsmeditations.com aloha and have a beautiful day. You.